Zambia Medical Association (ZMA) is a professional body whose main goal is to champion the practice of medicine for the benefit of society through research and ethical practice. In doing this, ZMA upholds the values and morals of society, the values of democracy, accountability, transparency and good governance. Collectively as members of ZMA, we are determined to practice our profession in accordance with the ethical standards of practice of medicine. In this regard, we recognise the rights of an individual to health and we further recognise the equal worth of men and women and are alive to the social determinants of health and how they impact the health of our people.
Our Mission
To build a healthy and productive nation by promoting high standards of medical practice and influencing policy and public opinion on health matters in Zambia
Our Vision
A healthy and productive nation through motivated doctors that uphold professionalism and Excellence

ZMA provides public protection advocacy and enhanced healthcare provision to the nation at large by scrutinising health policy pronunciations and giving crucial stakeholder input.
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ZMA has formed strategic partnerships with the Government through MOH, research communities, academic institutions, business entities, International and local medical related organisations.
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ZMA sits on a couple of parastatal boards and has access to Government and other political leaders. Through ZMA, we have a chance to influence the direction our country is taking on so many fronts.
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