The Resident Doctors Association of Zambia (RDAZ) is a non profit making professional body for medical doctors in Zambia.
The Zambia Association for Gynaecologists and Obstetricians (ZAGO) is a professional membership organisation founded on the need to advocate for the provision
The Zambia College of Physicians (ZACOPH) is a non-profit organization that draws its membership from certified specialists in Internal Medicine and whose main aim is to enhance the delivery of high-quality medical care by promoting the highest standards of medical practice, education and training.
Zambia College of Physicians University Teaching Hospital Department of Medicine,
P.O. Box RW1, Lusaka
Email: Contact: 0970 983 397, 0761 330 824
Facebook: Zambia College of Physicians
Follow us on Twitter: @_ZACOPH
Society of Anaesthetists of Zambia (SAZ) Facebook Page: