Dr. Sharon Kapambwe is a global public health leader notable for co-leading the development and implementation of the national cervical cancer screening and prevention program in Zambia.
She is a Zambian trained medical doctor and obtained her master’s degree in Public Health from the Royal Tropical Institute in the Netherlands.
She is currently Technical Officer- Cancer for WHO Africa Region providing technical guidance, mobilising, and coordinating expertise to advise and build capacities of countries in the East and Southern Africa in the evidence-based prevention, care, and treatment services for targeted cancers.
Previously, she was the Assistant Director in the Ministry of Health in Zambia with overall national responsibility for cancer prevention for six years. She ably led the national cervical cancer screening program which has emerged as the largest ongoing initiative in the Sub-Saharan region and a best practice for low- income countries.
She worked as Director of Women’s Cancers at Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ) doing research work and scaling up the cervical cancer prevention to the rest of the country for almost a decade until her secondment to the Ministry of Health.
She has over 40 publications in peer-reviewed journals mostly around cervical cancer in Zambia.
She is the immediate Past President for the Medical Women’s Association of Zambia where she was an investigator on the Case Series on Sexual Harassment of Female Doctors by Male Doctors in Zambia.
This award was sponsored by Octagon Financial Services. A huge congratulations to Dr. Sharon Kapambwe.